Cornerstone bible
What is CBI?
Cornerstone Bible Institute is designed for anyone who desires a deeper understanding of the Bible while developing a closer walk with God. In an adult education setting, courses are designed to be at a college level without having to commit to full-time studies or great financial outlays. Students can take up to two 90-minute classes each semester, following the posted schedule.
Since classes are college level, instruction is lecture style and includes outside reading, additional research, and periodic exams. Our goal is to make these classes financially and academically accessible while giving students greater levels of understanding of the Christian walk and life.
Classes for Spring 2025 begin January 26th. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at
Since classes are college level, instruction is lecture style and includes outside reading, additional research, and periodic exams. Our goal is to make these classes financially and academically accessible while giving students greater levels of understanding of the Christian walk and life.
Classes for Spring 2025 begin January 26th. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at
Purpose Statement
Cornerstone Bible Institute (C.B.I.) is designed to mature believers in their walk with Christ and aid them in the development of their spiritual gift(s) so that they will be equipped to fulfill their Christian calling.
The Goal of Cornerstone Bible Institute
The goal of Cornerstone Bible Institute is to fulfill the biblical mandate described in Ephesians 4:11-13: "And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers,"
Cornerstone Bible Institute's Degree Plan:
- For a Bible Certificate: Six Core Classes and Six Elective Classes must be completed
- For an Associate Degree: Twelve Core Classes and Twelve Elective Classes must be completed
Bible Department
Core Courses:
New Testament Survey
Old Testament Survey
New Testament Prophecy
Old Testament Prophecy
The Gospels
Elective Courses:
Biblical Archaeology
Individual O.T. and N.T. books of the Bible
Other announced Bible Department electives
For a Bible Certificate: CBI students must complete two Bible Department core courses.
For an Associate Degree: CBI students must complete five Bible Department core courses.
Theology Department
Core Courses:
Theology I (Bibliology / Theology Proper / Christology)
Theology II (Anthropology / Hamartialogy / Soteriology) Theology III (Pneumatology / Ecclesiology / Eschatology)
Apologetics I (General Revelation)
Apologetics II (Special Revelation)
Elective Courses:
Developing a Biblical World View
Contemporary Issues
Other announced Theology Department electives
For a Bible Certificate: CBI students must complete two Theology Department core courses.
For an Associates Degree: CBI students must complete five Theology Department core courses.
Theology I (Bibliology / Theology Proper / Christology)
Theology II (Anthropology / Hamartialogy / Soteriology) Theology III (Pneumatology / Ecclesiology / Eschatology)
Apologetics I (General Revelation)
Apologetics II (Special Revelation)
Elective Courses:
Developing a Biblical World View
Contemporary Issues
Other announced Theology Department electives
For a Bible Certificate: CBI students must complete two Theology Department core courses.
For an Associates Degree: CBI students must complete five Theology Department core courses.
Spiritual Life Department
Core Courses:
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Gifts
The Fruit of the Spirit
Elective Courses:
Discipleship and Discipline
Spiritual Warfare
Other announced Spiritual Life Department electives
For a Bible Certificate: CBI students must complete one Spiritual Life Department core course.
For an Associates Degree: CBI students must complete one Spiritual Life Department core course.
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Gifts
The Fruit of the Spirit
Elective Courses:
Discipleship and Discipline
Spiritual Warfare
Other announced Spiritual Life Department electives
For a Bible Certificate: CBI students must complete one Spiritual Life Department core course.
For an Associates Degree: CBI students must complete one Spiritual Life Department core course.
Practical Theology Department
Core Courses:
Biblical Doctrines
Marriage and Family
Outreach and Evangelism
Elective Courses:
Church Planting (Leadership Development / Church Polity)
The History of the Church: The N.T. book of Acts
Biblical Counseling
Othert announced Practivcal Theology Department electives
For a Bible Certificate: CBI students must complete one Practical Theology Department core course.
For an Associates Degree: CBI students must complete one Practical Theology Department core
Biblical Doctrines
Marriage and Family
Outreach and Evangelism
Elective Courses:
Church Planting (Leadership Development / Church Polity)
The History of the Church: The N.T. book of Acts
Biblical Counseling
Othert announced Practivcal Theology Department electives
For a Bible Certificate: CBI students must complete one Practical Theology Department core course.
For an Associates Degree: CBI students must complete one Practical Theology Department core

Fall 2024 course offerings
Systematic Theology I ~ Dr. Peter Jensen, DEdMin, Professor
*(Sun) Virtual Online Course*
Old Testament Survey ~ Dr. Peter Jensen, DEdMin, Professor
Alternating (Mon) 6:30-8:00P and (Sa) 9:30-11:00A
Gifts of the Spirit: God's Provision for Serving ~ Randy DeVaul, MA, Professor
(Mon) 6:30-8:00P in-person
Church History I ~ Dr. Larry Wallace, PhD, Professor
(Mon) 6:30-8:00P
Decoding Doctrine: Understanding the Secrets of the Faith ~ Dr. John Stover, DMin, Professor
(Thr) 6:30-8:00P in-person
*(Sun) Virtual Online Course*
Old Testament Survey ~ Dr. Peter Jensen, DEdMin, Professor
Alternating (Mon) 6:30-8:00P and (Sa) 9:30-11:00A
Gifts of the Spirit: God's Provision for Serving ~ Randy DeVaul, MA, Professor
(Mon) 6:30-8:00P in-person
Church History I ~ Dr. Larry Wallace, PhD, Professor
(Mon) 6:30-8:00P
Decoding Doctrine: Understanding the Secrets of the Faith ~ Dr. John Stover, DMin, Professor
(Thr) 6:30-8:00P in-person
- PETER JENSEN, Dedmin -
As a serious seeker of divine wisdom or an occasional wanderer down the spiritual path of the Christian faith, this class will show the beauty and wisdom behind God’s truths and learn its relevance to our lives. You are invited to take a ride on this holy roller coaster journeying through the foundational truths of Christ’s church, and experiencing the awes and wonders of the Godhead, and then, comparing God’s attributes with the deceitful nature of Satan.
Sign up today to embark on a transforming journey that promises to deepen your faith in God and His Word.
Sign up today to embark on a transforming journey that promises to deepen your faith in God and His Word.
Systematic Theology is the study of what the whole Bible teaches about God and Specific
Doctrines of the faith. Studying these doctrines provides a foundation for what we believe, our
philosophy of life, and forms our world view.
In this 14-week course, the student will learn foundational theological concepts that foster a
robust and cohesive understanding of Christian doctrine. Within this course we will look at
Bibliology (the Word of God), Theology Proper (the Doctrine of God), and Christology (the
Doctrine of Christ).
Doctrines of the faith. Studying these doctrines provides a foundation for what we believe, our
philosophy of life, and forms our world view.
In this 14-week course, the student will learn foundational theological concepts that foster a
robust and cohesive understanding of Christian doctrine. Within this course we will look at
Bibliology (the Word of God), Theology Proper (the Doctrine of God), and Christology (the
Doctrine of Christ).
- PETER JENSEN, dedmin -
OT Survey offers a comprehensive overview of the structure, purpose, and significance of each book and section within the Old Testament. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the historical and theological context of the texts and their enduring relevance.
The course will also highlight how Jesus Christ is foreshadowed and revealed throughout the Old Testament, enriching the Christian faith and understanding of Scripture.
The course begins Monday, 9/23 with 90-minute sessions and offered on an alternating
Monday/Saturday schedule.
The course will also highlight how Jesus Christ is foreshadowed and revealed throughout the Old Testament, enriching the Christian faith and understanding of Scripture.
The course begins Monday, 9/23 with 90-minute sessions and offered on an alternating
Monday/Saturday schedule.
Gifts of the spirit: God's provision for serving
Have you wondered how the Church of Jesus grew into what it is today? This 14-week course
will address the timeline of the Church, from its inception to the Crusades in the 12th century.
We will hear the stories of the shepherds and John the Baptist as Jesus was announced from Heaven. Follow the Apostolic Age and the missionary ministry of Paul planting the initial churches in Asia Minor and Europe. Learn of the martyrs during the rise to power of the Catholic Church, the introduction of Islam, and the Crusades and how these events shaped today’s Church.
will address the timeline of the Church, from its inception to the Crusades in the 12th century.
We will hear the stories of the shepherds and John the Baptist as Jesus was announced from Heaven. Follow the Apostolic Age and the missionary ministry of Paul planting the initial churches in Asia Minor and Europe. Learn of the martyrs during the rise to power of the Catholic Church, the introduction of Islam, and the Crusades and how these events shaped today’s Church.
Every Christian is gifted with a spiritual gift at the time of salvation so he or she is equipped and
empowered to fulfill God’s Mission of reconciling others to Him.
There are 18 specific spiritual gifts identified in Scripture: 5 Miracle, 4 Enabling, and 9 Ministry/Team gifts. We will learn about and review each of the gifts with emphasis on the Ministry gifts for serving Jesus and others today. The course includes a “spiritual gifts survey” with discussion on how each gift,
applied to each believer’s calling and unique purpose, is used to grow God’s Kingdom.
empowered to fulfill God’s Mission of reconciling others to Him.
There are 18 specific spiritual gifts identified in Scripture: 5 Miracle, 4 Enabling, and 9 Ministry/Team gifts. We will learn about and review each of the gifts with emphasis on the Ministry gifts for serving Jesus and others today. The course includes a “spiritual gifts survey” with discussion on how each gift,
applied to each believer’s calling and unique purpose, is used to grow God’s Kingdom.
Spring 2025 Courses Offered
The 2025 Spring Semester begins the week of January 26th and ends of May 4th.
Class starting and ending times and room assignments
will be determined at a later date.
Class starting and ending times and room assignments
will be determined at a later date.
The Making of a Disciple: How a Person Transforms into a Mature Christian!
Course Description
In this course we will discover how the believer is to be transformed into the very image of Jesus Christ.
This 14 week course will bring the student into an understanding of what it means to be a disciple and how to grow into the mature Christian that God expects. With internal changes of the heart to external displays of Godly characteristics with others, our focus and challenge is to continue transitioning into a mature Christian.
This 14 week course will bring the student into an understanding of what it means to be a disciple and how to grow into the mature Christian that God expects. With internal changes of the heart to external displays of Godly characteristics with others, our focus and challenge is to continue transitioning into a mature Christian.
Professor - Randy DeVaul
Professor DeVaul has more than 40 years experience teaching and writing Bible-based topics and courses. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Cross-Cultural Studies and a Master’s degree in Missions and Religion from Liberty University where he served as an adjunct professor.
Spiritual Life Department
This course counts towards the Spiritual Life Department
Spiritual Warfare: The Christian's Battle with Satanic Forces
Course Description
In a world where the forces of darkness lurk in the shadows, and temptation whispers deceitful promises in our ears, the need for a course on spiritual warfare is a necessity. This course is designed to help the believer build his spiritual arsenal so that he will have victory in the spiritual battles he will surely face.
The student taking this course will come to realize that the Christian life was never designed to be a passive experience. Nor is the believer immune to the schemes of the devil and his demonic forces.
You are invited to sign-up and be trained as a soldier in the army of the Almighty. To embark on a supernatural journey that is unlike any other.
The student taking this course will come to realize that the Christian life was never designed to be a passive experience. Nor is the believer immune to the schemes of the devil and his demonic forces.
You are invited to sign-up and be trained as a soldier in the army of the Almighty. To embark on a supernatural journey that is unlike any other.
Professor - Dr. John Stover
Dr. John Stover has faithfully served the Lord for over 35 years as a pastor-teacher and Bible college professor. He has been married to his wife, Joanne, for 54 years and has two children – a daughter, Nicki, and a son, John. He has been blessed with seven grandchildren. In his preparation for ministry, John earned a B.A. degree from Dallas Bible College, a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Doctoral degree from Reformed Theological Seminary.
Spiritual Life Department
This course counts towards the Spiritual Life Department
Biblical Archaeology
Course Description
Biblical Archaeology is the study of the people, places and things mentioned throughout the pages of the Bible and is accomplished through the excavation of sites and analysis of artifacts.
This course will explore places like the tomb of Lazarus, the city of David, Bethlehem, Mount Moriah and much much more. This course is designed to interest both new and longtime students of the Bible.
This course will explore places like the tomb of Lazarus, the city of David, Bethlehem, Mount Moriah and much much more. This course is designed to interest both new and longtime students of the Bible.
Professor - Larry Wallace
The thing I’m most grateful for is my wife Jewel, whom I’ve been married to for 55 years. Professor Wallace and his wife have three sons and seven grandchildren. He served as a crew chief and gunner during the Vietnam War on a CH-46 helicopter, flying 864 combat missions. Professor Wallace has traveled to Israel ten times and attended extension courses on Biblical Archaeology at the Hebrew University.
Bible Department
This course counts towards the Bible Department
Frequently Asked Questions
how often and how long are the classes?
Classes meet once per week for 90 minutes.
What is the education equivalent to?
Currently CBI is equivalent to a certificate program. However, in the near future a BA degree can be earned through our campus program or in conjunction with Louisiana Baptist University.
what is the total duration of the CBI?
Each semester will consist of 14 weeks (length of classes will vary). Classes will be offered in the Fall and Spring Semesters.
will there be childcare?
There is no childcare offered at this time.
what are the costs?
- Registration – There will be a $25 one-time registration fee per student
- Tuition – The cost for each class is $50 per course.
- Books – Students will be required to purchase their books, if needed, for each course.
how can i get more information?
For more information you can email, or fill out the form below.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often and how long are the classes?
Classes meet once per week for 90 minutes.
What is the total duration of the CBI?
Each semester will consist of 14 weeks (class length may vary). Classes will be offered in the Fall and Spring semesters.
What is this education equivalent to?
CBI is equivalent to a certificate program, and is a non-degree seeking program.
Will there be childcare?
There is no childcare offered at this time.
What are the costs?
- Registration – There will be a $25 one-time registration fee per student.
- Tuition – The cost for each class is $50 per course.
- Books – Students will be required to purchase their books, if needed, for each course.
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.
Cornerstone Bible Institute has applied to the Florida Department of Education Commission for
institutional operation without governmental oversight as a religious college, under SECTION
1005.06(1)(f), F.S. / RULE 6E-5.001, Fla. Admin. Code. If approved, CBI will be exempt from the
commission’s jurisdiction or purview by the Commission for Independent Education and would
not be required to obtain licensure. However, the Cornerstone Bible Institute will be recognized and
verified as a religious college that may operate without governmental oversight.
Cornerstone Bible Institute is also in the process of developing a "fast track" degree program in conjunction with
Louisiana Baptist University (LBU) that will enable students to obtain a Bible Certificate or BA degree in a more timely manner.
institutional operation without governmental oversight as a religious college, under SECTION
1005.06(1)(f), F.S. / RULE 6E-5.001, Fla. Admin. Code. If approved, CBI will be exempt from the
commission’s jurisdiction or purview by the Commission for Independent Education and would
not be required to obtain licensure. However, the Cornerstone Bible Institute will be recognized and
verified as a religious college that may operate without governmental oversight.
Cornerstone Bible Institute is also in the process of developing a "fast track" degree program in conjunction with
Louisiana Baptist University (LBU) that will enable students to obtain a Bible Certificate or BA degree in a more timely manner.